Well after some of the dust has settled from Saturday Night, a few good folks wrote to tell us their perspective on the Serenity Experience. I'm sharing a couple here for the benefit of those that longed to be with us but couldn't OR have supported us in much prayer/money from a distance. (This isn't the only feed back we've gotten, just posting these because of their brevity.)
"Thank you for the wonderful service last night. God is surely working through you. My son is an addict and was the first time we shared communion together,sang together and realized there was a place we could come to share in God's love and forgiveness."
"My wife and I drove from Abilene to be present for your first service. We are both Christians and recovering alcoholics with 17-years sobriety. May God bless your ministry to the broken. I really appreciated the honesty and wisdom that John and Jeff displayed, the music team was great and the spirit that blanketed the auditorium was so sweet. I also understand the time and commitment of your church. I hope that this can prove to be a way to remind us all that we serve a supernatural God who can raise the dead! Ain't that the Good News?"
As the next eleven weeks progress, I'll slap a few other things in here as I receive them. What I can't wait to share are the struggles that we face in beginning a new work for the Kingdom (some we've already encountered) and the victories won by God against oppressive sin that keep His children from living joyous lives in Christ. Peace.