Friday, November 11, 2005

Not Much New

Well, its been a week since I last checked in. Part of the reason that I've not written anything is because there isn't much to report from the Scott homefront. Kids are in school, spelling tests are studied for, math problems are done, bathes are "experienced" (mostly by Noah who says he won't splash but never fails to rival the Biblical Noah for water stories). Dinners are cooked and devoured, stories are read, Jennifer and I even share a word before we both collapse in bed for the night. I'm glad no one tells you how much work parenting is before you have kids. Those tales might scare young newlyweds from ever having sex...nah, probably not.

Life is just moving forward. Thanksgiving is coming up, and even though there isn't anything "revolutionary" or "extraordinary" taking place in our lives, there is much for which to be thankful. One: I'm thankful there is nothing revolutionary or extraordinary taking place in our lives right now. There is something to be said for sailing during calm seas and I think the word is tranquil. Oh, yes! Things are relatively tranquil. Two: I'm thankful for so very many people that constantly remember the Scott family in their prayers and with their actions. Without you we wouldn't be experiencing this time of serenity. Three: I'm thankful that God continues to grant us more and more healing. Four and more: As I sit here and think about it, I could make an Christmas sized list of the things I am thankful for, but I won't. I just wanted to express how grateful I am for this day, this day where LIFE is just moving ahead. ~ Jeff