Saturday, April 01, 2006

"I can't hear you!" was a favorite saying of my drill sergeant during basic training. He'd say it when the unit wasn't "sounding off." "Sounding off" is basically yelling a correct reply at the top of your lungs. "Do you love PT?" was a question I frequently heard at 5:00 am with my face in the grass, because my arms were to tired to push me up any longer, sweat dripping from every inch of my body - including my shoes. "Do you love PT?" The correct response was, "Yes, Drill Sergeant!" If the decibel level wasn't loud enough to feel, he'd almost sing back, "I can't heeeear youuuu." I know for a fact that he could hear us, it just wasn't loud enough for him. He wanted to hear us loud and clear.

Over the past few months, I've found myself repeating that dastardly line, "I can't hear you." No, it is not directed toward my kids. Them I hear too well. It's not the TV, it I hear too much. I keep saying, "I can't hear you" to God. I'm listening, I'm waiting, but I don't hear anything. See, I'm a bit like that sadistic drill sergeant. I need to hear God, and I need to hear him loud and clear.

Like so many before me, I've thrown open my future to God's leading. It sounds a little more pious than it is. (I've met some truly righteous and pious people. Trust me, I ain't one.) Still, I believe that God can do good through me, despite my inadequacy. So, I'm opening my future up to God's leading. "Where, O God," I ask, "can I best be of service to you? Where can I best utilize the gifts you've given me to bring you glory? Where best can I exist to show others your grace, mercy, and healing?" Yea. I ask these questions of Him. O.K., fine. I usually I don't ask them quite like that, but that's the general intent.

It seems like those would be safe questions. I'm not asking to be as talented as Bruce Springsteen, as funny as Jim Carrey, or as rich as Oprah Winfrey. I'm just asking about my next step. I'm just wondering which way to turn? I'm open and waiting, and in need of some divine guidance. Just a finger point. Just a nod. Just a word or two, but nothing comes; hence my line, "I can't hear you."

The funny thing is I know He hears me. I know he hasn't put down the phone and walked away while I blabber on. He's there and I know He's listening. There is just no reply. I keep knock, knock, knocking on Heaven's door but nobody comes to open it. I know there is someone in there because I can here the music playing. I can see the lights burning. So, I bang a bit more. Nothing. It is kinda like God peeked through the blinds, saw who was clacking the brass knocker, and slipped off to a different part of the house. I pray, I fast, I pray some more. I talk to trusted friends and pray some more. "God, I can't hear you," I am still saying months later.

I was hoping for a big sign. Literally, a big stinking sign that read, "Jeff, be a preaching minister for a local church." Or, "Jeff, go into the military and be a chaplain." Or, "Jeff, go back to school and be a counselor." Or, "Jeff, go and flip burgers." I don't care, I just need a sign. I just need a word. I'm hoping it will come like it did to Noah. "Go build a big boat." Or to Abraham, "Pack your stuff and move!" Or to Moses, yea, like to Moses. I need a burning bush. But in this culture, I'll take a burning billboard. I need to hear loud and clear.

So, if you have ever sought the Lord's advice, counsel, or blessing, and had to wait, what seems to be an insufferable amount of time, you "feel my pain." I know He's there, so I'll just keep on knocking. Jesus tells a parable in Luke about a very persistent women who pesters a judge so much that he grants her wish just to get rid of her. Oh, that I might be so persistent. Soon, I'll be able to tell of when God answered my prayers and I'll no longer be mumbling, "I can't hear you."


Blogger Sarah said...

Well, quit standing on the porch! The Lord has invited you in to "sit a spell" while you wait. Yes, I have been precisely where you are -- and am currently there now. I've been here often enough to know that He's got it all worked out and my sign is in the making. As I get closer in -- "further in", if you will! -- I can hear Him better, see the sign more clearly! Praying for you to be at peace and know Him more as you "be still and know." Oh, you have to get still to listen -- you've got that part, right?

You're the best -- thanks for letting us share in the struggle.

8:10 PM  
Blogger MattHeatherEmma said...

I cannot count how many times I have asked God, "Ok. Where are you going with this?" or "Why are you asking me to go down THAT road?"
Jeff, He will lead you but I can assure you that once you have arrived in that place peace will come. Praise be to God that you continue to seek His guidance for your life. Thank you for sharing your's good to know that I am not the only one who has struggled with this journey here on earth!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Amen Sarah! I have been in your position many, many times and I have found that I get the most answers when I just sit and be still...which by the way I do not do too well. I did have a friend point out that sometimes the Lord may think both decisions are great ones and he may just be letting you decide. I am not sure how I feel about it yet but I am being thoughtful about it.

Enjoyed your blog,

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the only one. I thought I was loosing it. I have been asking Him the same question for many years now. My answers have come already though but I am still struggling because I want to hear His voice. I want to hear Him say that I will be okay, no matter what. He has carried me through my son's brain cancer and my daughter's ruptured appendix. He has carried many times and during those times there was only one set of "Footprints in the Sand". However, I still want and need to hear his voice. Where do I go from here? Why am I surrounded by evil people. Why should I always do the right thing and get burned for it in the end. It seems that the more Good I do the more people dislike. What's up with that? I must tell a story though. Not so long ago, driving home from dropping my son at college (yes, he is still living), I was praying to God for Him to take care of my son. It was quite in my car because I had the radio off. It was just me and my prayers and God of cours. So asked Him again... Where are you? Are listening to me? Immediately after I was done praying, I turned the Radio on and guess what song began to play? Yep, "What if God was one us"? So I said thank you for listening. He is there, He is here, but it is still not easy to believe. Thank you for your story. It's nice to know I am not alone.

3:31 PM  

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