Thursday, August 17, 2006

"Yea, yea, yea..." And no, that isn't a reference to any Beatles lyrics. It is a lame attempt at heading off any unnecessary criticism/comments regarding the writing hiatus. That being said, I'm back.
1. Because school has begun and life is great. (I believe the two things are somehow related.) All my children are backpack wearing, lunch carrying, up in the morning to not be late - bone fide public school wards. Does that make me a bad parent? Heck NO! Anyway, summer was wonderfully long, way too hot, and I am here to testify that nothing can substitute for a little alone time. God bless public school teachers. So, with my children learning lessons of life with others I have a bit - just a bit - of time that isn't occupied with preparing food, cleaning house, refereeing a shoving match, mending cuts, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, or going potty. Thus, moments to write are descending.
2. I'm feeling the need to write in order to process - in my own head - what is happening in the spiritual circles I run in. There are about four different groups of people that I encounter on a weekly basis regarding spiritual matters and different things are happening in each. Being able to [piano rif] "put down in words" (thanks Elton John) some of what is happening helps me. Getting things out of my head - which, I promise, is a scary place to be - and out in the open allows me to see things I didn't before. So, I'm needing to write in order to better discern


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back. And yes, God bless public school teachers!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You should read (or probably already have) "My Life as a Wife" (I think that's the name of it)about the Sports Illustrated writer who did a "Mr. Mom" thing for 6 months while his wife went back to work. I loved his observation, "If I love my children so much, why am I so happy when they get out of the car (at school) in the morning?" Good question.

Glad you're back, I've missed you, and we failed you -- I understand you just passed a big milestone that I was going to at least acknowledge, but since I am now one of those public school teachers you are blessing, maybe you will forgive me.

I'm teaching 2 or 3 days/ week, so I am feeling the need for some writing myself. I totally understand what you mean about processing on paper (or on a screen). It just seems to untangle the mess.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back! Have missed reading your thoughts on paper!

10:35 AM  

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