Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ok, show of hands...Who out there would have guessed that Benedictine Monks have Internet? Come on. Seriously. I know that I never would have believed it. But wonder of wonders, here I sit in a Benedictine Monastery in the Chama Valley of New Mexico and voila, DSL!

Now, before you really get down the road of skepticism, remember something. These guys have vowed to lives live of simplicity mostly in silence. There is a difference between simplicity and being Amish. Nothing in their philosophy mandates technology be viewed as evil. As a matter of fact, they are on the cutting edge of technology. The entire monastery's electricity is solar powered. What that means is: you can't just flip on the light when you walk in a room. There aren't any. The only lights are in the church and in the "refractory" (where you can talk and eat). Otherwise, it is good ol' Mr. Sun and a rechargeable lantern; the battery is only good for a couple of hours. That's no problem though, because you don't stay much past sundown. The first prayer service (Vigil) is at 4:00 am. AM. AM. Early morning, before sunrise. Ok, show of hands. When was the last time you got up - intentionally - at 4 in the morning to pray for an hour? Raise 'em high.

There are some amazing things you can learn about life out here in the wilderness. I've chronicled quite a few pages over the last 4 days and plan on quite a few more. Tomorrow I'll share just one of my recent revelations - which as I've found out isn't anything brand new.

As a quick summary, I've had run-ins with more rain than I thought possible in a desert, one very mad rattlesnake, an agnostic fellow from Santa Fe (who I pulled weeds with for 2 hrs), and a host of smiling monks. Life is good. God is great. You all are wonderful.

Peace be with you.
The Benedictine Bandito (aka Jeff)

Here is where I'm staying:


Blogger Sarah said...

Again I say, I'm really jealous. I could and would do 4 a.m. if I could go to bed shortly after the sun. But I think the honest answer would have to be "never" as to when I was last up at 4 a.m. to pray. In the last year I've seen 4 a.m. while talking to Dana Scott, to clean up after a sick child, because I was sick myself, or maybe even for a trip to the bathroom. I've gotten up at 5 to pray -- not very often and only if my coffee pot is on timer so that I can trudge through the house right to the coffee.

How's the supply of Diet Coke in a Benedictine Monastery. That could possibly be the deciding factor for me. If they've got it -- I'm moving in!

8:55 PM  
Blogger simplegestures said...

I've read a couple of articles about monastery life, I think the place you're staying was one of them. I am anxious to hear more about what you found in the desert...keep it coming.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Byron said...

How many 4 a.m. mornings before you reach saint-hood? I was up at 4 a.m. this morning with Anna Jo, as we walked the house for an hour; does that count? May God bless you and your family as He molds your life for Him.

10:06 PM  

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